Chiropractor for Back Pain in Renton, WA

Is Chiropractic Care the right solution for your back pain problems?

Chiropractic treatments include manual manipulation of the spine and bones found there. While there are many treatment options, such as pain medication surgery, they may not be a good fit for your condition. At Fairwood Chiropractic, we treat you like an individual and look at your entire health picture to find a unique set of treatments and solutions that not only help to lower your pain levels but also fix your back issues so that pain is no longer a symptom.

Chiropractor for Back Pain in Renton, WA

The Alignment of Bones and Vertebrae

Acute low back pain, for example, can be caused by vertebrae that are not aligned with the rest of the spine – tissue, cartridge, and tendons. Not only can that cause a pinched nerve, but the muscles can tense due to the pain and pull the vertebra even farther out of alignment. That process is called tension.

When the spine is balanced – everything is in alignment, there should be no pain. Our goal is to put everything back into alignment so that inflammation and nerve pain decrease until they disappear.

Is Chiropractic Care for Back Pain Worth It?

For chiropractic care to be effective, the spine must be free of most injuries. For example, if you have a broken vertebra, chiropractic care will not help very much. The break must heal and heal correctly. That example can be surgery or an alternative form of medicine.
There is plenty of quality research available online that shows why chiropractic care for back pain is a worthwhile option. It can relieve pain, help you gain range of motion, and improve your balance all without the use of medication or painkillers. The question becomes “is chiropractic care for your back pain a good fit.” To answer that question you must understand the nature of your back pain and its causes.

The Cause of Back Pain

Before we begin treatment for pain-related appointments we discover what is causing your pain. Levels of pain include acute pain and chronic pain. Chronic pain is any ongoing pain that lasts for more than six months. Acute pain is sudden pain that lasts less than six months. We treat both acute pain and chronic pain. If you have been living with pain for more than a few days, you should make an appointment and begin the healing process. Living with pain for six months is life-changing.

We work with your medical doctor and follow medical advice, make recommendations, and treat you as part of your health team. Effective treatment for pain and related disorders involves more than prescribing drugs to mask the pain. We want to find out what the cause is and then correct the cause. Treatment options include:

  • Spinal manipulations
  • Massage
  • Trigger Point resolution
  • Modern treatments including machine manipulation and stretching
  • Therapies, such as hot/cold therapy
  • Lifestyle changes – weight loss, improved nutrition, etc.
  • Posture repairs – orthotic supports, exercise to strengthen muscles, and more.

Injuries We Treat

We treat injuries that include those from:

  1. Sports injuries
  2. Auto accidents
  3. Trip and Falls
  4. Age-related
  5. Work-related injuries – Carpel tunnel, lifting injuries, etc.
  6. And more

Renton, WA Chiropractor for Back Pain

Our goal in treating patients is to relieve pain and reduce or remove side effects. We work with all areas of the spine, including the lumbar spine and the pain associated there. We treat muscle spasms, headaches, and injuries that cause limited mobility or poor balance. We also work with other therapies including physical therapy. Everyone has pain at some point, and we understand that you shouldn’t have to live with pain. We see people every day who have been in pain for too long. We want you to thrive and live the best life possible.

Health Care from Professionals

We are a team of professional health care providers. Every member of our team is experienced in the care and treatment of people who have pain, especially back pain. All the chiropractic work is handled by a board-certified doctor of chiropractic. Each member of the team is either certified or licensed by the appropriate board that oversees those disciplines.

When you visit Fairwood Chiropractic expect a professional environment that is clean, healthy, and full of encouragement. Our facility is designed to make it as easy as possible for people to find relief from pain and get better. We work with you and make you an important part of your health care team. That recipe has proven to be one of the best available to encourage people to heal, thrive, and fully recover.

If you need a chiropractor in Renton we are available to help. Give us a call to start the healing process and experience the positive health care experience we offer.